Casual Reviews of Movies, Music, and Literature

Sunday, November 22, 2015

STAR WARS (Episode III): Revenge of the Sith - Review it time? Really? Have we finally arrived at a Star Wars movie that's decent? Heck, not just decent, but surprisingly good? YES! I think we have! So crack open a carton of blue milk, buy yourself a pack of death sticks, and settle in for a review that's not overwhelmingly negative! Hooray!

But hold up a sec - am I saying Revenge of the Sith is perfect? Unfortunately no. Far from it, actually. In pure prequel fashion, there's still a bantha-load of issues present from the opening scroll to the final shot. But why start there? Let's keep things positive. After all - this one isn't terrible!

The Good: 
I actually like Grievous. Deal with it. 
- Many of the good qualities from Phantom and Clones are ramped up even further. The action is crazier, the villains meaner, heroes more dashing, the sets are bigger, the music more dynamic, and the stakes have never been higher. Things go way over-the-top, but after two movies that refuse to do much of anything, this is a refreshing change of pace.
- The cinematography is pretty decent. For the first time in decades, Lucas seems comfortable behind the camera, and it shows. Shots move gracefully, often propelling the action and controlling the pace. And there's depth, real depth, where images extend forever into the background. Love it.
- Across the board, the acting is much better. Christensen and Portman finally find some chemistry, McGregor is playful and nonchalant, and Ian McDiarmid is magnetic as the evil Darth Sidious.
This scene is one of the best in the entire series.
- The story has improved, teeming with relevant subplots and character development. Thank goodness. Although they ain't perfect, motivations and actions feel fairly realistic. Anakin's downfall, while a little rushed, works pretty well. Which means...
- It's thematically rich. I'm not saying it's Schindler's List or anything, but as far as summer blockbusters go, there are some ideas here worth chewing on.
- It's jammed full of iconic moments... Kenobi exploding out of a crash-landed star ship. Anakin's face when he hears about the pregnancy. Reptilian eyes leer out from droid armor. Two lovers, separated by an opaque cityscape, look to each other without seeing. A power-hungry hero succumbs to evil, dropping to his knees. An army of Jedi are murdered. Two brothers fight to the death, lightsabers clashing as lava sprays all around. Vader's helmet goes on, and his first electronic breath wheezes out. It's awesome.
- Unbelievably, Revenge of the Sith actually feels like a Star Wars movie! This one's hard to explain, but it's true. Something about the pace, the characters, the swashbuckling swagger of everything, makes it feel like a logical extension of the original trilogy. Wow.

But it isn't perfect. For example...

The Bad: 
- There are still way too many CG effects. But honestly, I can't really complain about this. Unlike the other entries in the prequel trilogy, Sith's effects are almost perfectly rendered. So...yeah. I guess this isn't really a negative. Oh well.
- Some of the dialogue is hilariously overwritten. Watch it - you'll understand.
Quit talking and DO SOMETHING!
- Characters act like characters, and not real people. Case in point? Anakin discovering the true identity of the Sith. When he realizes the terrible plot that's unfolded, when the secret antagonist reveals himself, what does Anakin do? Try to solve the problem himself? No. Maybe he runs quickly to his Jedi masters for help? Nope. Instead he leisurely walks from points A to B, and in business-like tonalities, states the problem to Mace Windu. And then? Mace frowns, calmly asks more questions, and then finally after endless deliberation, decides to act. Why does all this happen so slowly? Why isn't anyone the least bit concerned about this horrifying revelation? This isn't how real people would've acted. Not even remotely.
- An ending that's supposed to be tragic is kinda funny. Yeah, we're all aware the infamous Vader, "NO!!!!!" is hilarious, but I'm talking about the rationale we were given for a certain protagonist's death in the last few minutes of the film. I don't want to spoil it, but for those who don't know, a main character dies because s/he "...has lost the will to live." Yup - a character dies of a broken heart. Even worse? The scene is set in a futuristic hospital, with all kinds of high-tech gadgets bleeping and blooping all around. None of those machines could save the character? Not one? This is utter nonsense.

While it's not perfect, Revenge of the Sith is tremendous entertainment. It's the best space opera of the 00s, loaded with sensational visuals and over-the-top action. Many people consider this film to be the "darkest" of the series, and while I agree with this judgement, "darkness" doesn't mean greatness. Sith finds its greatness by fitting into the big picture. Unlike Phantom and Clones, it feels necessary. It's the prequel I always wanted, and the one I find myself going back to time and again. Final Grade: B

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